Racecap Beaver is an innovative protection system for 48 mm WP forks (no cone valve) made up of a patented bracelet that replaces the original protection of the sleeve and a calibrated scraper made with anti-friction additives.
The installation of the Racecap Beaver is simple and quick: in fact, it is sufficient to remove the forks from the steering plate and insert the scraper and, subsequently, the bracelet from the sleeve.
The scraper can be activated in about 5 seconds by simply blocking it with the notched part of the bracelet. Once deactivated, however, it offers the forks less friction and can be useful as a travel indicator (or witness).
The cuff of the Racecap Beaver was designed to also retain the red stroke indicator featured as an OEM on the newer 48mm WP forks. Although this component does not guarantee the same performance as the Racecap Beaver mud scraper in terms of friction, it has an even more energetic action in removing dry mud.